Список литературы (Зарубежные авторы – часть 2)

  • Diamond J. M. Osmotic water flow in leaky epithelia//J. Membrane Biol. 1979. Vol. 51. N 3/4. P. 195—216.
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  • Freeman C. P., Noakes D. E. The absorption of micellal lipid by small intestine of the sheep//Proc. Nutr. Soc. 1970. Vol. 29. Suppl. 1A—2A. 70 p.
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  • Handbook of physiology//Ed. C. F. Gode. Alimentary canal. Sect. 6. Wash., 1968. Vol. 3. 1490 p.
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  • Hempling H. G., Osmosis the push and pull of life//HoppeSeyler´s Zts. physiol. Chem. 1981. Bd. 362. N 9. S. 1178—1196.
  • Hill A. Saltwater coupling in leaky epithelia//J. Membrane Biol. 1980. Vol. 56. P. 177—182.
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  • Hurwitz S., Bar A., Katz M. et al. Absorption and secretion of fatty acids and bile acids in the intestine of the laying fowl//J. Nutr. 1973. Vol. 103. N 4. P. 543—557.
  • Jin Soon L. The role of the digestive tract for amino acid homeostasis//26th Intern. Congr. Physiol. New Delhi, 1974. P. 211—213.
  • Johnson L. R. Regulation of gastrointestinal growth // Physiology of the gastrointestinal tract. N. Y., 1981. Vol. 1. P. 169—196.
  • Josephson В., Rydin A. The resorption of bile acids from the intestines//Bio chem. J. 1936. Vol. 30. N 12. P. 2224—2228.

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